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Glass of Milk

Nourish Me Natal is about putting you at the centre;
nurturing yourself as the nurturer.

​We all know good nutrition is vital to support our health and well-being, but how much time do we have in our busy lives to actually think about what we're putting into our bodies? And when it comes to trying to conceive, seeing the positive sign on a pregnancy test, or blinking and you've got three kids to look after, it's easy to put your own nourishment last.  

At Nourish Me Natal we know the importance of specific nutrients for both parents pre-conception, to promote healthy sex cells and optimise fertility, going forward into a healthy and viable pregnancy. We know a balanced diet helps manage weight, reduces the risk of gestational diabetes, and supports overall health. We know good nutrition is not only vital for an expectant mother, but also for her growing baby, and it doesn't end there.  

Once you're a parent you need heaps of extra nourishment to survive the demands on your body, and not just for the birthing parent or those breastfeeding. Lack of sleep, and being constantly on the go, at the beck and call of your little one requires optimal nutrition before, during and long after they're born. Many new mums are keen to get their pre-birth body back. We hear you, and will support your journey with a gentle and nourishing approach, designed to make you feel great about yourself and your incredible body.​

We work with you to create the best nutritional and lifestyle approaches, wherever you are in life, ensuring your needs are met so you can get on with the important stuff, enjoying life!

Image by Mustafa Bashari
Image by Joanna Kosinska

Who are we here for?

We're here for all parents and prospective parents. We're about easing you into a more nourishing lifestyle from the moment your child is but a twinkle in your eye, through every bit of your journey, to the days when your children are out and thriving and you realise you've not given a single thought to your own nourishment since the day the baby arrived.

We support:

  • Female fertility

  • Male fertility

  • Couples planning to conceive 

  • Pregnancy

  • Postnatal recovery

  • Lactation

  • Baby-weight loss

  • Busy/tired/stressed parents trying to increase energy levels

  • Hormonal health and autoimmune disorders


Hello, I'm Holly

I’m a mum who’s passionate about eating well. No restriction diets here, instead I focus on scrumptious nutrient packed foods, positive lifestyle choices and good vibes to help you and your baby flourish.

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Holly is accredited with the following professional bodies


Our Approach

To know what's good for you, we need to know you as an individual.

Our nutritional packages are tailored around your needs and lifestyle and they begin with an 80minute initial online consultation, taking a comprehensive medical history and overview of who you are and what you need, before creating and implementing a plan that will work for you.

Get in touch for a no commitment chat about what we can do to help you get to where you want to be.

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